I’m new to yoga, what should I expect?
New students should arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to register and get situated. Registered students should try to arrive at least 5 minutes early. If you do not have a yoga mat, we have them here for a $1 rental fee, so no worries. We have a cubby area for shoes, purses, etc.. Please set all cell phones to silent. First time students to yoga are encouraged to start with one of the Slow Flow classes until you feel ready for a faster paced Vinyasa class. All we ask is that you try your best. It does not matter how “inflexible” you are, everyone works at their level and takes each pose to where he or she can handle, both in modifications and taking the poses further.
Is a Movement class for me?
Movement classes are NOT yoga classes. The Movement classes are based heavily, but not limited to, the Ido Portal Method. Any student under the age of 18 that wants to participate please consult YMT first. Movement classes are designed to slowly progress students over time to become stronger, more mobile and all around better movers. The class material is broad to say the least. We strength train often. Move around on the floor often. Many times we balance on our hands, on one foot, on one foot & one hand simultaneously. We move our spines in many different directions. Hang from bars and rings to build healthy shoulders. Sit in a squat when we talk. Work with gymnastic rings but don’t call ourselves gymnasts. Play often, but take our play very serious. Building a community of hard workers to create the “Movement Culture”.
The Intro to Movement class is designed to offer beginners a chance to experience some of the concepts from our movement program on a more fundamental level. We move slower, allowing for more explanation and seek to create an initial foundation of strength, mobility, balance and coordination before advancing into the Movement classes. If you have not moved regularly in some time, it’s highly recommended you start here. All you need is a body and an open mind!
What type of Vinyasa sequence can I expect?
Each Monday starts off a new week at YMT with a unique vinyasa sequence. We do not stick to one particular method or sequencing. Our goal is to expose students to a variety of postures that offer new challenges each week.